Evelina Christillin,传记:历史、生活和职业

 Evelina Christillin,传记:历史、生活和职业

Glenn Norton


  • 研究和培训
  • 在体育界
  • 体育之外
  • 鸣谢
  • 私人生活

埃维利纳-克里斯蒂林 她于1955年11月27日出生在意大利都灵,以参与世界体育赛事而闻名。 足球 并对他的贡献表示感谢。 国际奥林匹克委员会 (她的全名是埃弗里纳-玛丽亚-奥古斯塔-克里斯蒂林。



克里斯蒂林有坚实的学术背景。 他曾在都灵大学学习,毕业于政治学专业,专攻国际关系。 在2020年代,他曾担任以下公司的总裁和首席执行官职务 阿克斯酒庄(Chateau d'Ax 一家意大利家具行业的重要公司。


克里斯蒂林对体育界的参与始于2005年,当时她被选为 都灵卡尔乔主席 是意大利最著名的足球队之一。

2010年,克里斯蒂林在他的体育生涯中迈出了重要的一步,成为美国国家体育总局执行委员会的成员。 ǞǞǞ (多年来,他一直与CONI主席密切合作、 Giovanni Malagò 为发展和促进意大利的体育事业做出贡献。

除了参与CONI的工作,Evelina Christillin还在国际上参与奥林匹克运动。 她是世界最高体育机构--国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)的成员。 她是国际奥委会几个委员会的成员,包括国际关系委员会和道德委员会。

See_also: 亚洲-阿根托的传记



她曾在多个董事会任职,包括Saes Getters和Gruppo Carige。

See_also: 马里奥-乔达诺的传记


她在体育和商业领域的成功事业为她赢得了无数的奖项。 她被授予意大利共和国荣誉勋章,这是意大利的最高民事荣誉之一,以表彰她的 对体育和社会的贡献 .

他还获得了贝利萨里奥奖。 经理 和圣文森特新闻奖的Grolla d'Oro alla Comunicazione奖。


  • Poveri malati, storie di vita quotidiana in un ospedale di antico regime: il San Giovanni Battista di Torino nel secolo 18, Paravia, 1994
  • Olimpico sorriso.Le montagne di Evelina Christillin secondo Valter Giuliano(与Valter Giuliano合作),Vivalda Editori, 2011


她嫁给了经理 加布里埃尔-加拉泰里-迪-热诺拉 .

他有一个女儿叫 Virginia Galateri .

Evelina Christillin是意大利和国际体育界的领军人物。 她的领导力、专业知识和对体育发展的奉献精神,积极为塑造意大利体育的未来和在全球推广奥林匹克价值观做出贡献。

Glenn Norton

Glenn Norton is a seasoned writer and a passionate connoisseur of all things related to biography, celebrities, art, cinema, economics, literature, fashion, music, politics, religion, science, sports, history, television, famous people, myths, and stars. With an eclectic range of interests and an insatiable curiosity, Glenn embarked on his writing journey to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience.Having studied journalism and communications, Glenn developed a keen eye for detail and a knack for captivating storytelling. His writing style is known for its informative yet engaging tone, effortlessly bringing to life the lives of influential figures and delving into the depths of various intriguing subjects. Through his well-researched articles, Glenn aims to entertain, educate, and inspire readers to explore the rich tapestry of human achievement and cultural phenomena.As a self-proclaimed cinephile and literature enthusiast, Glenn has an uncanny ability to analyze and contextualize the impact of art on society. He explores the interplay between creativity, politics, and societal norms, deciphering how these elements shape our collective consciousness. His critical analysis of films, books, and other artistic expressions offers readers a fresh perspective and invites them to think deeper about the world of art.Glenn's captivating writing extends beyond therealms of culture and current affairs. With a keen interest in economics, Glenn delves into the inner workings of financial systems and socio-economic trends. His articles break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, empowering readers to decipher the forces that shape our global economy.With a broad appetite for knowledge, Glenn's diverse areas of expertise make his blog a one-stop destination for anyone seeking well-rounded insights into a myriad of topics. Whether it's exploring the lives of iconic celebrities, unraveling the mysteries of ancient myths, or dissecting the impact of science on our everyday lives, Glenn Norton is your go-to writer, guiding you through the vast landscape of human history, culture, and achievement.