蕾哈娜, 传记

 蕾哈娜, 传记

Glenn Norton


  • 2010年代的蕾哈娜

罗宾-蕾哈娜-芬蒂于1988年2月20日出生在圣迈克尔(巴巴多斯)。 当她只有16岁的时候,被已经发现其他人才如克里斯蒂娜-阿奎莱拉的音乐制作人埃文-罗杰斯注意到。 她录制的曲目到达说唱歌手和制作人Jay-Z那里,后者将她推荐给Def Jam唱片公司。 该唱片公司与蕾哈娜签订了六张专辑合同。

我是一个有些困惑的孩子,因为我和我的母亲一起长大,我是作为一个 "黑人 "女孩长大的。 但是一旦我到了学校,他们就叫我 "白人"。 他们盯着我,侮辱我。 我无法理解,我见过各种肤色的人,而我是公平的。 现在我在一个更大的世界里。


See_also: Concita De Gregorio, 传记

在此期间,他有五首单曲在著名的 "公告牌热门100 "排行榜上排名第一:这些曲目是《SOS》、《Umbrella》、《Take a Bow》、《Disturbia》和《Live Your Life》。

随着单曲《Disturbia》的发行,蕾哈娜成为世界上极少数有两首单曲同时进入美国前三名的艺术家之一(与《Take a Bow》一起)。


在与演员Josh Hartnett有一段恋情后,她与歌手Chris Brown订婚(Rihanna演唱了二重唱《Cinderella Under My Umbrella》,这是《Umbrella》的混音版)。 2009年,Rihanna被男友打脸的照片引起了一场丑闻。 两人的关系结束。


在这些年里,她发布了新专辑:《Loud》(2010年)、《Talk That Talk》(2011年)、《Unapologetic》(2012年)、《Anti》(2016年)。 2011年11月,蕾哈娜首次作为设计师为 Giorgio Armani 她还在电影""中首次以女演员身份亮相。 战舰 "从2012年开始。

See_also: 安德烈-卡米莱里的传记

在几个客串和偶尔露面之后,他回到了科幻电影的主演位置,由 Luc Besson "《瓦勒里安与千星之城》在2017年。

Glenn Norton

Glenn Norton is a seasoned writer and a passionate connoisseur of all things related to biography, celebrities, art, cinema, economics, literature, fashion, music, politics, religion, science, sports, history, television, famous people, myths, and stars. With an eclectic range of interests and an insatiable curiosity, Glenn embarked on his writing journey to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience.Having studied journalism and communications, Glenn developed a keen eye for detail and a knack for captivating storytelling. His writing style is known for its informative yet engaging tone, effortlessly bringing to life the lives of influential figures and delving into the depths of various intriguing subjects. Through his well-researched articles, Glenn aims to entertain, educate, and inspire readers to explore the rich tapestry of human achievement and cultural phenomena.As a self-proclaimed cinephile and literature enthusiast, Glenn has an uncanny ability to analyze and contextualize the impact of art on society. He explores the interplay between creativity, politics, and societal norms, deciphering how these elements shape our collective consciousness. His critical analysis of films, books, and other artistic expressions offers readers a fresh perspective and invites them to think deeper about the world of art.Glenn's captivating writing extends beyond therealms of culture and current affairs. With a keen interest in economics, Glenn delves into the inner workings of financial systems and socio-economic trends. His articles break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, empowering readers to decipher the forces that shape our global economy.With a broad appetite for knowledge, Glenn's diverse areas of expertise make his blog a one-stop destination for anyone seeking well-rounded insights into a myriad of topics. Whether it's exploring the lives of iconic celebrities, unraveling the mysteries of ancient myths, or dissecting the impact of science on our everyday lives, Glenn Norton is your go-to writer, guiding you through the vast landscape of human history, culture, and achievement.