德斯蒙德-多斯, 传记

 德斯蒙德-多斯, 传记

Glenn Norton


  • 德斯蒙德-多斯依良心拒服兵役者
  • 战后
  • 过去的几年里

德斯蒙德-托马斯-多斯(Desmond Thomas Doss)于1919年2月7日出生在弗吉尼亚州林奇堡,是伯莎和威廉的儿子,是一名木匠。 1942年4月,他自愿参军,但由于他对基督复临安息日会的信仰,拒绝在战斗中杀死敌军士兵和使用武器。


被分配到第77步兵师,后来 德斯蒙德-多斯 他成为一名医生,在第二次世界大战期间活跃在太平洋地区,他帮助国家拯救了许多战友的生命,并始终尊重他的宗教信仰。 由于他在冲绳岛的行动,他被授予了--------。 第一位依良心拒服兵役者 得到这样的认可--与 荣誉勋章 .


"我为你感到骄傲,你确实当之无愧。 我认为这是比当总统更大的荣誉。" [... 我为你感到骄傲,你真的是当之无愧。 我认为这是比当总统更大的荣誉。 ]


在战争过程中,他三次受伤,还感染了肺结核,因此被迫短期离开军队。 然后,一旦他最终在1946年离开军队,他在接下来的五年里接受了必要的治疗并从疾病和伤害中恢复过来。

1990年7月10日,佐治亚州2号公路在美国27号公路和佐治亚州193号公路之间的一段公路以他的名字命名。 从那一刻起,这条路被命名为''公路以他的名字命名。 德斯蒙德-托斯荣誉勋章公路 ".

See_also: 弗朗西斯科-萨尔西纳的传记



德斯蒙德-多斯 他于2006年3月23日在阿拉巴马州皮德蒙特的家中去世,此前他因呼吸系统问题入院治疗。 他在同一天去世的还有 大卫-布莱克 反过来又以 荣誉勋章 .


2016年,梅尔-吉布森拍摄了电影《》。 铁锯岭》(Hacksaw Ridge "灵感来自于德斯蒙德-多斯的生活和他的良心拒服兵役。 这部电影在威尼斯电影节上亮相,由演员安德鲁-加菲尔德担任主演。

See_also: Dolores O'Riordan, 传记 当别人在消灭生命时,我在拯救他们!这就是我将为我的国家服务的方式。 (德斯蒙德-T-多斯在影片中说的一句话)

Glenn Norton

Glenn Norton is a seasoned writer and a passionate connoisseur of all things related to biography, celebrities, art, cinema, economics, literature, fashion, music, politics, religion, science, sports, history, television, famous people, myths, and stars. With an eclectic range of interests and an insatiable curiosity, Glenn embarked on his writing journey to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience.Having studied journalism and communications, Glenn developed a keen eye for detail and a knack for captivating storytelling. His writing style is known for its informative yet engaging tone, effortlessly bringing to life the lives of influential figures and delving into the depths of various intriguing subjects. Through his well-researched articles, Glenn aims to entertain, educate, and inspire readers to explore the rich tapestry of human achievement and cultural phenomena.As a self-proclaimed cinephile and literature enthusiast, Glenn has an uncanny ability to analyze and contextualize the impact of art on society. He explores the interplay between creativity, politics, and societal norms, deciphering how these elements shape our collective consciousness. His critical analysis of films, books, and other artistic expressions offers readers a fresh perspective and invites them to think deeper about the world of art.Glenn's captivating writing extends beyond therealms of culture and current affairs. With a keen interest in economics, Glenn delves into the inner workings of financial systems and socio-economic trends. His articles break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, empowering readers to decipher the forces that shape our global economy.With a broad appetite for knowledge, Glenn's diverse areas of expertise make his blog a one-stop destination for anyone seeking well-rounded insights into a myriad of topics. Whether it's exploring the lives of iconic celebrities, unraveling the mysteries of ancient myths, or dissecting the impact of science on our everyday lives, Glenn Norton is your go-to writer, guiding you through the vast landscape of human history, culture, and achievement.