

Glenn Norton


克里斯蒂安-迪奥无疑是20世纪最著名的时装设计师之一。 他于1905年1月21日出生在法国的格兰维尔,最初是一名时装插画师,然后在巴黎为吕西安-勒隆和罗伯特-皮奎特担任时装助理。

Ligne Corolle "或 "New Look",正如行业记者所称,是他的第一个也是最具革命性的系列。 这个系列的特点是圆肩,强调胸部和窄腰,以及丰满材料的钟形裙子。 与它的名字(New Look)相反,这个系列不是毫不奇怪,迪奥本人后来承认,他的灵感来自他母亲穿的优雅的衣服。

See_also: 米兰-昆德拉的传记

然而,迪奥以其新的轮廓,对巴黎重新成为世界时尚的 "首都 "负有主要责任,因为巴黎在二战期间失去了它的重要性。 尽管如此,对 "新面貌 "有很多批评,特别是来自女权主义者的批评。 主要的指责是,它使妇女回到了一个角色上。装饰性的,几乎是顺从的,而另一些人则对装饰品的奢侈使用和织物的面积感到震惊,因为当时的服装仍然是配给的。

See_also: 皮埃尔-保罗-帕索里尼的传记

在这个系列之后,迪奥创造了许多其他的系列,在这些系列中坚持与以前的系列进行讨论,最重要的是始终朝着最初的主题前进,其特点是高度的花纹面料。 他的结构较少的系列被称为 "山谷中的百合",是年轻、清新和简单的,作为对香奈儿在1954年复出的反应而创造的。



Glenn Norton

Glenn Norton is a seasoned writer and a passionate connoisseur of all things related to biography, celebrities, art, cinema, economics, literature, fashion, music, politics, religion, science, sports, history, television, famous people, myths, and stars. With an eclectic range of interests and an insatiable curiosity, Glenn embarked on his writing journey to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience.Having studied journalism and communications, Glenn developed a keen eye for detail and a knack for captivating storytelling. His writing style is known for its informative yet engaging tone, effortlessly bringing to life the lives of influential figures and delving into the depths of various intriguing subjects. Through his well-researched articles, Glenn aims to entertain, educate, and inspire readers to explore the rich tapestry of human achievement and cultural phenomena.As a self-proclaimed cinephile and literature enthusiast, Glenn has an uncanny ability to analyze and contextualize the impact of art on society. He explores the interplay between creativity, politics, and societal norms, deciphering how these elements shape our collective consciousness. His critical analysis of films, books, and other artistic expressions offers readers a fresh perspective and invites them to think deeper about the world of art.Glenn's captivating writing extends beyond therealms of culture and current affairs. With a keen interest in economics, Glenn delves into the inner workings of financial systems and socio-economic trends. His articles break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, empowering readers to decipher the forces that shape our global economy.With a broad appetite for knowledge, Glenn's diverse areas of expertise make his blog a one-stop destination for anyone seeking well-rounded insights into a myriad of topics. Whether it's exploring the lives of iconic celebrities, unraveling the mysteries of ancient myths, or dissecting the impact of science on our everyday lives, Glenn Norton is your go-to writer, guiding you through the vast landscape of human history, culture, and achievement.