

Glenn Norton

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利奥-努奇于1942年4月16日出生在博洛尼亚省的Castiglione dei Pepoli。 在艾米利亚首府跟随朱塞佩-马切西和马里奥-比加齐学习后,他来到米兰,在奥塔维奥-比扎里的帮助下完善他的技术。

1967年,他首次在吉奥奇诺-罗西尼的《塞维利亚理发师》中扮演费加罗,在翁布里亚的斯波莱托实验歌剧剧院的比赛中获胜,但由于个人原因,他在短时间内被迫中断了活动。 不过,他成功地加入了米兰斯卡拉歌剧院的合唱团,几年后恢复了独唱研究。

See_also: Muhammad ibn Musa alKhwarizmi的传记

他不断上升的事业使他于1977年1月30日在米兰剧院首次亮相,当时他取代了安杰罗-罗梅罗的位置,再次扮演费加罗。 后来 利奥-努奇 他有机会在伦敦皇家歌剧院演出(1978年与 "Luisa Miller "合作),以及在纽约大都会剧院(1980年与Luciano Pavarotti合作演出 "Un ballo in maschera")和巴黎歌剧院。 1987年,他在戛纳电影节上演出歌剧电影《麦克白》,而两年后他在萨尔茨堡由Herbert von Karajan指挥。

自20世纪90年代以来 利奥-努奇 2001年,他在世界各地忙于演出威尔第的作品(当时是朱塞佩-威尔第逝世100周年):在苏黎世演出《阿提拉》,在维也纳演出《假面舞会》、《纳布科》和《游吟诗人》,在巴黎演出《麦克白》,在意大利作曲家的故乡帕尔马举办音乐会。由Zubin Mehta指挥,名为 "威尔第100"。


尽管他已经处理了西莱亚、乔丹诺、多尼采蒂和莫扎特的作品、 利奥-努奇 在他的职业生涯中,他在普契尼的剧目(前面提到的《吉安尼-希奇》和《托斯卡》中的斯卡皮亚一角)和威尔第的剧目(《欧纳尼》中的卡洛五世、《奥泰罗》中的伊阿古、《唐-卡洛斯》中的罗德里戈、《阿依达》中的阿莫纳斯罗、《I vespri siciliani》中的Guido di Monforte和《Luisa Miller》中的米勒等等)中表现出色。 他是联合国儿童基金会的大使,是维也纳国家剧院的Kammersanger。

See_also: 沃尔特-齐亚里的传记

Glenn Norton

Glenn Norton is a seasoned writer and a passionate connoisseur of all things related to biography, celebrities, art, cinema, economics, literature, fashion, music, politics, religion, science, sports, history, television, famous people, myths, and stars. With an eclectic range of interests and an insatiable curiosity, Glenn embarked on his writing journey to share his knowledge and insights with a wide audience.Having studied journalism and communications, Glenn developed a keen eye for detail and a knack for captivating storytelling. His writing style is known for its informative yet engaging tone, effortlessly bringing to life the lives of influential figures and delving into the depths of various intriguing subjects. Through his well-researched articles, Glenn aims to entertain, educate, and inspire readers to explore the rich tapestry of human achievement and cultural phenomena.As a self-proclaimed cinephile and literature enthusiast, Glenn has an uncanny ability to analyze and contextualize the impact of art on society. He explores the interplay between creativity, politics, and societal norms, deciphering how these elements shape our collective consciousness. His critical analysis of films, books, and other artistic expressions offers readers a fresh perspective and invites them to think deeper about the world of art.Glenn's captivating writing extends beyond therealms of culture and current affairs. With a keen interest in economics, Glenn delves into the inner workings of financial systems and socio-economic trends. His articles break down complex concepts into digestible pieces, empowering readers to decipher the forces that shape our global economy.With a broad appetite for knowledge, Glenn's diverse areas of expertise make his blog a one-stop destination for anyone seeking well-rounded insights into a myriad of topics. Whether it's exploring the lives of iconic celebrities, unraveling the mysteries of ancient myths, or dissecting the impact of science on our everyday lives, Glenn Norton is your go-to writer, guiding you through the vast landscape of human history, culture, and achievement.